Does the use of Mortgage Preflight constitute an “Application” under REGs B and C?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Determining if your use of Mortgage Preflight® is defined as an “Application” is largely dependent on your specific practices and guidelines and how you use Mortgage Preflight®. As each end user has unique procedures and practices, Credit Technologies® is not able to provide specific compliance advice. Generally speaking, it is our belief that Mortgage Preflight® […]
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How do I set up Mortgage Preflight for individual users?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Once Mortgage Preflight® is enabled on your account, simply add the desired new users through the Mortgage Preflight® Registration process Please allow 3-5 business days for configuration. Each new user will receive an email containing their unique Mortgage Preflight® code and instructions for deployment. New Mortgage Preflight® user requests require administrator approval.
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Once I receive a Preflight Lead Alert, via email, how do I import the credit report into my Loan Origination System (LOS)?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
The process varies somewhat depending on your specific LOS. Most LOS require confidential information (such as the applicants social security number) that for security reasons, cannot be included in the email Preflight® Lead Alert. This requires that you first access the file through Credit Technologies® Online to gain the needed additional information. Then, simply follow steps […]
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How do I add Realtors and other referral partners to my Preflight network?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Growing your referral network is simple. Just complete (or have your referral partner complete) the free online affiliate registration process. Please allow 3-5 business days for configuration. You and your referral partner will receive a welcome aboard email  containing the co-branded Preflight® Affiliate code and deployment instructions.
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Do Mortgage Preflight links expire?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
All hyperlinks created through Mortgage Preflight®, originator and affiliate, remain active as long as both the Account and Users are in good standing. Service can be deactivated and/or leads and referrals redirected through a change order at anytime as long as the account is active and in good standing.
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How do I add Mortgage Preflight to our website?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
It’s easy to incorporate Mortgage Preflight® in your website, and your referral partners websites. Simply copy the Preflight® code provided in your welcome aboard email into an iFrame on the target page – Your website is instantly Preflight® enabled. Step-by-step instructions for creating your Preflight® landing page and QR code are included in the Getting […]
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What happens if a Mortgage Preflight enabled employee leaves the company?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
While each Mortgage Preflight® URL is registered to a specific user, Mortgage Preflight® is licensed to the corporate account and can, upon reconfiguration, continue to generate referrals. Should an enabled user leave, contact the Preflight® team at 855.982.8050  to reconfigure the Mortgage Preflight® user to re-route future referrals and notifications.
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Can I use Mortgage Preflight for credit repair or credit counseling purposes?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
No. The CT Membership and end user agreements of all repositories strictly prohibit access to consumer credit data for credit repair or counseling purposes. Credit Technologies® further prohibits the placement of any Mortgage Preflight® URL; or the use of any Mortgage Preflight® service by any credit repair or credit counseling provider or promoter. Specific Mortgage […]
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