How do I begin generating business using Preflight?
- Posted by kelly
- On May 1, 2017
The key to success with Preflight® is to promote your Preflight® Logo and link everywhere possible. Upon registration, you will receive detailed step-by-step guidance on deploying Mortgage Preflight® and maximizing referrals. The key is making it easy for potential clients and referral partners to find you. This starts with adding it to your email signature. Other examples include,
- Creating a Mortgage Preflight® landing page on your website
- Include your Preflight® Logo and/or URL in every blog and forum post.
- Add your Mortgage Preflight® enabled logo or link to your social media presence including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter…
- Promoting your current and prospective referral partners to include your hyperlink in their Websites, email, blogs and forum posts. Most every potential referral source will be excited about the opportunity to automatically capture new business 24/7.
- Engage and automate referrals from virtually any source including, Builders, Attorneys, CPAs, Financial Planners…