How do I begin generating business using Preflight?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
The key to success with Preflight is to promote your Preflight® Logo and link everywhere possible. Upon registration, you will receive detailed step-by-step guidance on deploying Mortgage Preflight® and maximizing referrals. The key is making it easy for potential clients and referral partners to find you. This starts with adding Preflight® to your web and/or […]
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What is Mortgage Preflight?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Mortgage Preflight® is a revolutionary, automated way to generate referrals, enhance compliance efforts and slash out-of-pocket credit reporting costs. Various State and Federal laws and repository rules require that you demonstrate permissible purpose in addition to obtaining authorization prior to accessing a consumer’s credit file. In addition, new FRB Reg-Z rules (12 CFR 226) place […]
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What are the costs to participate in Mortgage Preflight?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Mortgage Preflight® is available at no cost to all eligible Credit Technologies® accounts in good standing. Enrollment of Partners (Realtors, builders, referral partners…) is also provided at no cost. Contact your Business Analyst for more information on eligibility requirements or call 800.445.4922, option 1.
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Once I receive a Preflight Lead Alert, via email, how do I import the credit report into my Loan Origination System (LOS)?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
The process varies somewhat depending on your specific LOS. Most LOS require confidential information (such as the applicants social security number) that for security reasons, cannot be included in the email Preflight® Lead Alert. This requires that you first access the file through Credit Technologies® Online to gain the needed additional information. Then, simply follow […]
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How does Mortgage Preflight address compliance requirements? (REG-Z, FACTA, ECOA, Red Flag…)

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Like all services offered by Credit Technologies®, Mortgage Preflight® was designed with compliance in mind. By providing a secure method for the applicant to preauthorize and pay for all credit report related costs, Mortgage Preflight® helps you comply with FCRA, GLB and Reg-Z (third-party fee restrictions) requirements. Our authentication process using the Precise ID platform […]
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Does the use of Mortgage Preflight constitute an “Application” under REGs B and C?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Determining if your use of Mortgage Preflight® is defined as an ‘Application” is largely dependent on your specific practices and guidelines and how you use Mortgage Preflight®. As each end user has unique procedures and practices, Credit Technologies® is not able to provide specific compliance advice. Generally speaking, it is our belief that Mortgage Preflight® […]
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How can we assure declination letters are sent on Preflight transactions which initiate outside of our LOS?

  • Posted by kelly
  • On May 1, 2017
Credit Technologies® has an automated solution to guarantee any required declination letters are issued. The Automated Adverse Action Notice service (A3N) allows you to establish minimum mid-FICO® score requirements. Whenever applicants fail to meet your pre-determined minimums, Credit Technologies®‘ automatically prepares and issues the required disclosures via first class mail. In addition, the Mortgage Preflight® […]
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